Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Bitch IS Back

I feel like an Elton John song. Not one of the oh-so-cheesy ones. One of the older ones. The good ones.

*hums to self*

I'm a bitch,
I'm a bitch,
Oh the bitch is back
Stone cold sober as a matter of fact...

Yep. Feeling just a little pleased. Not only are my WIPs cranking along nicely thank you (I can hit a completion today if I keep up at this pace) BUT I got another five heart review for the Shequanti from Love Romances and More (that's THREE for the three book series....excuse me while I call a doctor. I threw my spine out patting myself on the back) AND I entered the best first line contest at Samhainand made it to the second round. Not bad for a line that reads as follows: The only thing that could have brought her back to Vienna from her self-imposed exile was Mozart's death.

Yes, that's the first line of Requiem.

In other news, I am once again caught up on my edits for Asphodel, am lacking only two stories to get the Dragon's Den anthology to the editor for much-needed criticism, managed to send a slew of short stories out to be rejected, and went back to *gasp!* Darkshifters. At the moment, I thought I'd take a second to blog while eating popcorn and watching the Cavaliers play in the NBA Finals before getting back to the grind.

Oh, but how I love the grind!

Sometimes, life is good. I must admit, despite all of the potshots I take at my Muse, every once in a while she comes through for me. Now, if she can come through for me to the tune of about 10k more, I can get Apocalypse done and get cranking on something that interests me more. If I'm REALLY lucky, maybe I can take a day off and go to the lake...?


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